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Image by Conny Schneider

SaaS PLG Experience

As part of a PLG initiative for product incubation, the onboarding experience for Cisco SaaS products was documented and analyzed with integrated data analytics. Competitive analysis was conducted to assess potential improvements for the onboarding experience during the phases of Awareness, Consideration, Decision and Onboarding. 

Research & Discovery

The current experience was documented through journey mapping in Miro with integrated data analytics from Amplitude and LogRocket correlated to steps in the process.

Human Sentiment Analysis 

The journey was assessed by user sentiment - positive, neutral, and negative with areas of improvement noted and additional data investigated.




Data Correlation

Data from LogRocket & Amplitude was correlated to steps in the journey during analysis. There were significant drop-offs during the registration process that required drilling down into the experience to understand and improve. 

Viewed Site

Completed Registration

Downloaded Binary




Data collection


Cluster Connect

Have a cluster?

How might we reduce user friction to get conversion?

Get info

Connect a cluster

The solution to so many problems we humans have is simplification. So how do we get people from Point A to Point B with as little friction as possible? And can Artificial Intelligence help?


Based on research and analysis, hypotheses were formed and recommendations were made as to how to improve the experience and/or further research to be conducted. 

Competitive Analysis

Competitive experiences were analyzed similarly to correlate the information step-by-step throughout the journey.



While incubation of this project was discontinued, the experience findings and the process for evaluation were used to further improvements for other products and subsequent developments as well as methods for cross-functional collaboration.

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